Tesi di Laurea
Varie opportunità, sia all'estero sia in laboratorio, sia di laurea triennale sia di laurea magistrale, basate e non (secondo la preferenza dello studente) su specifici progetti di ricerca, nell'ambito degli argomenti elencati nella sezione 'Ricerca' e riassunti nel seguito.
Sono possibili tesi svolte interamente o parzialmente in azienda o presso altri centri di ricerca.
Alcuni Argomenti di interesse molto attuale sono:
- Progetto CIMR: Studio e modello della temperatura di antenna. Aggiornamento codici e/o sviluppi analitici da lavori già disponibili.
- Progetto CIMR: Modello errore di sistema di un radiometro. Studio e aggiornamento di codice e/o sviluppi analitici già disponibili.
- Modeling Polarimetrico dello Scattering Bistatico: Codice e sviluppi analitici a partire da ricerche già inziate in passato.
- Progetto HydroGNSS-R: Scattering di segnali di opportunità. Studio di codici numerici e analisi della NRCS per approfondire alcuni aspetti dell'interazione dell'onda col mezzo naturale.
- PRIN (Progetto di Ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale): Data processing per il retrieval di variabili bio-geofisiche a partire da dati telerivelati
- Progetto Biomass: Scattering da Vegetazione, studio e analisi di un codice già disponibile, integrazioni e aggiornamenti in Python
- Studio e Progetto di Antenne: Analisi numeriche e simulazioni full-wave di leaky-wave antennas, lens antennas, e altri tipi. Anche per piccoli satelliti.
- Strutture Periodiche: Analisi numeriche (principalmente basete su MoM) e/o simulazioni full-wave per lo studio della dispesione.
Modeling and Numerical Electromagnetics for Earth Observation
Design, testing, and validation of advanced numerical method to model and predict the scattering from natural surfaces, based on the Method of Moments (MoM) and/or approximated scattering methods (such as, e.g., the Small-Slope Approximation method)
The activity is meant to support the design of next-generation of Space mission for Earth Observation, mainly in the frame studies founded by the European Space Agency
The research will be developed in the frame of a multidisciplinary project funded by MUR - the Italian Ministry of University and Research.
The research aims at proposing advanced temporal and spatial data augmentation and approximation procedures for satellite data collected in the frame of space missions for Earth observation, which can be used to systemically and globally retrieve bio-geophysical variables connected to ECVs. Augmented data are used to enhance state-of-art processing implemented to retrieve soil moisture and forest biomass information.
Numerical Electromagnetics for the Design of Innovative Antennas
Design, testing, and validation of advanced numerical methods to model and predict the modal and radiation performance of leaky-wave antennas at microwaves, millimeter waves, and THz frequencies.
An ad-hoc, accurate and efficient Method of Moments (MoM) , can be designed ex-novo, or updated, to pefromr dispersive analyses of planar and compact structures.
Specific studies are founded by International Institutions
Full-Wave Simulations for the Design of Innovative Antennas
Design of antennas by means of full-wave simulations tools, such CST Microwave Studio, FEKO, HFSS. These are powerful tools for the study and analysis of the radiation features of any type of antennas.
The activity is meant to support the design of next-generation of antennas with advanced performance, for communication, space, and aeronautics applications. Specific studies are founded by International Institutions.
GNSS-Reflectometry: Performance Studies and Data Processing
The activity is mainly centered on the design and preparation of the HydroGNSS mission, developed by a large science team and by Surrey Satellite Technology ltd. The mission is supported by the European Space Agency
See the link HydroGNSS
CIMR Mission: Performance Studies of the Mission
The activity is mainly centered on the design and preparation of the CIMR mission, developed with the frame of the Copernicus program. The mission is driven by the European Space Agency.
The activity can be mainly focused on the study of the system performance at different levels (e.g., modeling of the receiver chain, modeling the surfce emission, modeling and correcting the antenna system effect on data.
See the link CIMR Mission
Nondiffracting Waves and Pulses
The activity is focused on the study and the development of nondiffracting waves and pulses by means of leaky-wave antennas.
Una lista di alcune possibili collaborazioni per svolgere un lavoro di tesi è riportata nel seguito
Università e Centri di Ricerca
Sorbonne Université, Pier et Marie Curie Campus, Paris, France
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, CA, USA
University Carlos III of Madrid
KTH, Stoccolma
University of Edinburgh, UK
Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands
Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland
Chinese Accademia of Science, Beijing, China
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Heriot-Watt University, UK
Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada
Villanova University, PA, USA
Temple University, PA, USA
IETR, Université de Rennes 1, Rennes, France
Ohio State University, USA
University of Southern California, USA
University of Michigan, USA
Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier, Tolosa, France
Surrey Satellite Technology, UK
Thales Alenia Space, Italia
Aresys, Italia
Reply, Italia
Deimos Space, UK
Serco, Italia